Çatı ve Cephe Sistemleri Dergisi 31. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 2011)

~summary ROOF and FACADE / Roof and Facade Systems Magazine ISSUE: 31 • MARCH -APRIL 2011 lnterview ÇATIDER's Chairman Ati la Gürses: "Legal Arrangements Will Freshen The Sector" ÇATIDER's new chairman Atila Gürses mentions on the primary problems of the sector and brings proposal for solutions. According to Gürses, the projects and details must lake place in construction projects in order to prevent unchecked buildings and applications. Page 12 ÇAnoor.a.-A.ı.ıa.-. d lnterview İSMD's Chairman Oğuz Öztuzcu: "He Who Uses More Than His Share is not a Successful Architect" According to İSMD's Chairman, Architect Oğuz öztuzcu, facade is vital fora building. Öztuzcu says: "lt's important a facade to give info abaout the inside. Just like a human being; the inside and the outside must be the same." Page 24 __,...._°'"'_ '"P.1yın.ı Düşenden F.ubısını Kullanan l)i Mim.ır Değildir .. Project Senpa Textile A.Ş. Factory Building Senpa is a textile company that makes production for Europe's and the US's top level brands. it employs approximately 600 people. The fırm's İstanbul factory building is in Kıraç, formed approximately 25 thousand m2 and 5 floors. The factory's architectural projeci was made by Modern Mimarlık Ltd. and lasted for about one year. Page 18 - -- - ~-;.;-s c.- =- 46 ÇATI & CEPHE,MART- NİSAN 12011 Exhibition Sustainability was the Main Theme of BAU 2011 too BAU 2011 that broke the visitor record with approximately 250 thousand of visitors from all over the world, gave hope for the future of construction industry. The main theme of the fair where many different applications are realised, was sustainability. Page 10 s..-....:.w.r,:.,,.ı.ı..ı,...ı.m BAU'da Sergilendi !._ ___ .~~~ ! !!ı;ıı • . ...... . ~ . . .• , . ~a, ·,_,.1 Technology&Material PermaBase Exterior Facade Sheet The exterior facade sheet, PermaBase that has been introduced to market by Lafarge is applied with metal or wooden constructions instead of traditional walls. The product provides a faster and cleaner practice versus classical methods. Page 16 PermaBase Dı~ Cephe Le\ hlsı Translation Energy Efficient Dynamic Facades An adaptable building exterior on a town house in northern Germany is designed to provide an energy supply comparable to that ofa 'passive house'. in addition, the intention is for it to develop more primary energy than it actually needs. Page 28 l)ln.ımik Ct"phc)lc Enuji \'trimlillll