Çatı ve Cephe Sistemleri Dergisi 35. Sayı (Kasım-Aralık 2011)

ÇATI & CEPHE • KASIM - ARALIK / 2011 46 summary ROOF and FACADE / Roof and Facade Systems Magazine ISSUE: 35 • NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2011 Project Capital Hill All the interior and exterior siding of the project Capitall Hill in Moscow which is a design of world-renowned architecture Zaha Hadid and described as “the Dream House of 21st Century” is made by Fibrobeton. technology gained also the “Best Project Award” in 16th World GRC Congress with this success. Page 24 News ArtIcle Roof and Facade Materials Awards 2011 Climate Balanced Façade Design in Ecological Approach The nomination period for Roof and Facade Materials Awards is started…The successful materials of Roof& Facade industry introduced tot the market between the years 2010-2011 will be determined by the readers of Çatı& Cephe Magazine. Page 16 The ecology which is related to the rational use of nature and human resources can be described in a general frame as the research of the systems that will minimize the negative affection of environment systems during the process which starts with the production of a product until the decomposition of it. Page 38 Project Skopje Airport is rebuilt with Çuhadaroğlu Products Alexander the Great Airport situated in Skopje which is rebuilt by TAV Tepe Akfen with Çuhadaroğlu products is brought into service in September the 6th 2011 in the frame of celebrations of 20th anniversary Macedonia’s independence…Page 20 IntervIew The CEO of Braas Roof Systems, Daniş Navaro Braas Roof Systems which attracts the attention with “Solar Energy Roofing Systems”, “Unitherm System Box”, “Divoroll Clima PLUS-S”, TegaLModerN with Reddot design award and different tile range that are recently introduced to the market, develops important products in work safety too. Page 22 IntervIew The Chairman of Panelsan, Serhat Maşlak Panelsan company which is owned by Maşlak Family which has been in construction industry for three generations produces sandwhich panel and EPS in Ankara…We got information about the company from the chairman of Panelsan, Serhat Maşlak who also a member of ÇATIDER Executive Board… Page 30