Çatı ve Cephe Sistemleri Dergisi 37. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 2012)

~summary ROOF and FACADE / Roof and Facade Systems Magazine ISSUE: 37 • MARCH / APRIL 2012 PROJECT Management Building of Yenigün Construction Yenlgün lntoat Yönetim Binası ::-E~· =---=----=- Management Building of Yenigün Construction, is located on Eastern Boulevard in Ankara, an office building with a construction area of 5.700 m2 • Yenigün Construction was founded in Ankara in 1973, performing the superstructure and infrastructure projects in various countries. Architectural, interior, landscaping design and implementation projects undertaken by the Yazgan architectural design of the company headquarters building, was considering the needs of the employer. Page 12 ROOF & FACADEMATERIALSAWARDS Roof and Facade Materials Award Nominees Was ldentified and Reader's Rating Was Began P-- ~~~~~ Proposition to candidate was completed, candidates were identified and voting process was began at the "Roof and Facade Materials Awards" which is complement the important lack of sector. "Roof and Facade Materials Awards" which aims to introduction the new materials and reward success at Roof & Facade sector, has 29 candidates in this year. Page 15 54 ÇATI& CEPHE•MART- NİSAN/ 2012 PROJECT Doluca Winery DOLUCA ŞARAPÇILIK Üretim Tesisi The winery is situated in the middle ofa planned industrialized zone on the outskirts of Çerkezköy and the scale of the building is an industriaiized scale. As with all industrialized architecture utility, economy and logistics where key drivers. Yet unlike most factory settings, the 'cultured' visitor is critical to the environment, especially in the harvest season. Employing landscape, altering scales, thresholds, light, color and materials, the site captures both the phenomena of the meta-context and of the craft of wine making. Page 36 ARTICLE Choosing of Polymer Plaque as a Roofing Material çatı Kaplama Malzemesi Olarak Polimer Levha Seçimi :.:::=--- ===--- =---=-=== ---- ____ .,._ -- !1-J::: ~;§-~§g~ ==--=== ===-= -=-== ---- --.:.~-=: ~-~.=..- ~;§§ ====== ==?-..?'"-5": =--==--= Developments in the field of polymer in the last century, medicine, food, textile, information technology has also affected many other industries as well as construction industry. Polymer materials due to material properties and a variety of products, has widened their use as building material. The choosing becomes to difficult because of the variety of polymer types, as this result of the method of procedure has gained importance in material selection. Page 42