• summary ROOF and FACADE / Roof and Facade Systems Magazine ISSUE: 38 • MAY / JUNE 2012 AWARDS "Roof and Facade Materials Awards" Were Found Their Owners ÖDÜLLER SAHİPLERİNİ BULDU! .. ' • (<\\~: ' "Roof and Facade Materials Awards" which is organized first time by "Çatı & Cephe" magazine and "Success Awards of lnsulation Sector" which is held 9th in this year by "Yalıtım" one of the magazines in 828 Medya were realized in 3th May, 2012 on Thursday at 35th Turkeybuild. Page 16 INTERVIEW Artera Facade is Provideing the Service to Finished Facades ARTERA CEPHE, Bitmiş CephelereServisVeriyor ____________ ....,. ___ ...,.. ___ --~ ..... -.... __ ..,_______ ,._ -------•o.o.-- , ..... __ _ =--.::...--- .... ___ ,, ___ ... _ .. ~~~I::g ~1= ==-~-= ;:..::::.".::".:== ~~ --·-- _____ ., __ _ .., __ _ -----~ Problems or revisions required in the finished fronts, is a big problem tor the facade makers firm both tor the user... Artera Facade & Consulting is a specifically established company tor the solution of such problems.. We talked about a history of Artera Facade Consultancy with founder of the company Özlem Yurtseven. Page 26 54 ÇATI& CEPHEM• AYIS- HAZİRAN/ 2012 PROJECT METU Science and Technology Museum ..- ~-=-= ::===---ı:: :ı..-~~ -==-=- :-.:::-.:;:-.-.:::.-.-; .:::.~--= Science and Technology Museum of the Middle East Technical University which is the first Warehouse-Museum Complex of Turkey, was a pioneer structure tor "Science and Technology Center" of METU Northern Cyprus Campus, which was the first depot-museum of Cyprus. Construction of the Cyprus Science Technology Center, was designed as construction of diversification of area and enlarged volume which is called 3rd Silo. Page 30 ACTIVITY 6th National Roof & Wall Symposium and Roofs Workshop Were Held e,uı..ıo ... •~•~.,. o.uw~,.,.~llıM =::,.-=;_ı::;; ;_:;==:: iii . t~!f.,.,,,.ı ... • ı, . ' ... ,, ' -. . . . . . .::.::..._,___ National Roof and Facade Symposium which was organized sixth time in this year and Roofs Workshop which was held first time in this year by ÇATIDER, was held in Bursa at 11-13 April 2012. Roof and wall systems, research and development, design, construction, operation, and conversion processes, in design, material and technology transfer aimed at stakeholder event results of the studies, was held in Uludag University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department of Architecture - Bursa Görükle campus. Page 38