~ summary ROOF and FACADE / Roof and Facade Systems Magazine ISSUE: 39 • JULY / AUGUST 2012 PROJECT F87 Elektromobil Plus Energy House F87 Elektromobll Artı Enerji Evi AN ARCHITECT& FAÇADE İ. Hakkı Moltay .... __ _ The heat energy generated by air-water and heat pumps, electrical energy generated by thin-film solar panels on the façade and crystal panels on the roof at the "Plus Energy House" which is designed fora family of four persons in Berlin. Page 14 Assoc. Prof. Dr i. Hakkı Moltay is President of Mimta Architecture, states that "The most significant points on my architectural approach are taking care 'lntegrated Design' principles during designing and improving decisions of systems by regarding aim of electromechanics system designer and integrated designers of architectural and static component" Page 26 TECHNOLOGY& MATERIAL Marianitech Expanded Metals ----------- _;.. __ .,____ ---· PROJECT The Paragon The P~ __________ _,;. ;;-- --- =-·'"--J 11------- - - - - -·· Marianitech products which is ltalian brand that produce expanded metal, brought to Turkey by Tür Group. Marianitech expanded metal, when set according to the angle of the sun on façade, can be used as a solar shading to the core... Reynaers CW50 SC Glass to Glass Joint Gap Curtain Walling System used on façade of The Paragon which is consisted with the intersection of the surfaces of different angles, aesthetic and elegant lines ... Page 34 Page 20 ARICLE Planted Building Envelope Systems The citizen can not breathe under pressure of the built environment in living areas which are parks, gardens ete. green areas, has been declining gradually, the citizen which is living in between buildings, streets and sidewalks, moving away from nature day by day. Page 46 54 ÇATI&CEPHE•TEMMUZ- AĞUSTOS/ 2012 Bltkllendlrllmlş Yapı Kabuğu Slstemıerı<·> p::-.:::::.-:;: :::..":z::---:=::-.::=!:: ==-=--=-...: ..::::.=.:::..-=:: =--·=';: ~= ---~-==== -...:.."":..":: ·-~.~ ... ~- .... ._ .... ..:.... _.,;;... ___ ---- ::.:.-:-..::-.::.:..-: ~.!:::.'; :-...:::.-::.:...-:=: : __ _::_,... ___ ....:o:.:;; --;;=-;-",.:; :::=.:-:--=== =:-.;-.::-::.-- ·-=~=-=--=